Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter

Easter in Russia! Russians have traditional Easter greetings. Paschal greeting is "Christ is risen!", and respond to it is "Truly He is risen". In Russian it will be "Христос Воскрес" (Hreestos Voskryes) and "Воистину Воскрес" (Voeesteenoo Voskryes).
Happy Easter.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Easter cake! Kulich!

Kulich - Кулич (Easter cake) is traditional Easter bread in Russia. Blessed kulich is eaten on the Easter (Paskha) breakfast with decorated eggs. Kulich is baked in tall forms, then cooled and decorated with colored icing. Also on th Kulich you can see two letters - ХВ, which means "Христос Воскрес" (Christ is risen). Christians can eat kulich (кулич) only for 40 days after Easter (Paskha).
Bon appetite and happy Paskha!